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In the ancient villages of Russia, there was a longstanding belief that a mystical cat named Blu held magical powers. Born from moonlight and stardust, Blu had a signature silvery-blue coat that dazzled all who saw it. Villagers believed that Blu could ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune to any home she chose to grace. If Blu settled in a household, prosperity and happiness were sure to follow.

Families treated Blu with the utmost reverence, offering her the best food and care. During harsh winters, Blu's serene presence was thought to calm the fiercest storms, ensuring safe passage for travelers and good harvests in the spring. This enchanting legend has carried through generations, making Blu a cherished symbol of luck and protection in many homes to this day.

How to Buy

Download Tonkeeper

Download and install the Tonkeeper app from the app store on your device to get started.

Use Simple Swap and Convert Sol to Ton

Use the Simple Swap service to convert your Solana (Sol) to Toncoin (Ton) easily and quickly.

Use DeDust and Swap Ton for Blu

Finally, use DeDust to swap your Toncoin (Ton) for Blu tokens and enjoy your purchase.

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